Frequently Asked Questions
- Register for the class you wish to attend.
Click on the registration link in the class description of the practice you wish to attend. The registration page will open in a new window. Select from the drop-down menu the date of the class you would like to register for––note that you will have to register separately for each practice/event you wish to attend. Once you have completed the registration form, you should receive an email confirmation from Zoom containing the virtual practice link! Please let us know if you have any questions or issues with registration––we are here to help!
- Set up your space.
Create a space for yourself where you have some room to move, a good wi-fi signal, & minimal background noise. Orient your screen to the area you will use for your practice so that you can best see the instructor in a variety of potential poses. A mat is not required, but helpful. You may also want to gather a few props, such as a blanket or towel to sit on or cover yourself with; a yoga block/book/chair to bring the floor up to your hands in certain poses; or a long strap to improve stability or sensation in certain poses. For more information about props, see below!
- Call in a few minutes early to get settled & situated.
Click on the Zoom meeting link (from registration confirmation email, Facebook, or calendar appointment). This will open the meeting in the Zoom app or your browser.
- When you arrive in the room, please ensure your microphone is muted.
This helps reduce any initial audio feedback, & keeps the virtual meeting space from becoming an echo chamber as everyone is joining around the same time. You are welcome to unmute at ANY time (even in the middle of the practice!) to ask a question, request that something be repeated, give feedback, etc.––we like to keep it casual 🙂 As a general rule, though, please keep your microphone muted unless you want to speak; then feel free to unmute yourself. There will also be time at the end of the practice to chat with the instructor & other participants, ask questions, and give feedback.
TO MUTE/UNMUTE: Click on the microphone icon at the bottom of your Zoom window. When the icon is grey, you are UNMUTED; when the icon is red with a slash through it, your microphone is on MUTE. Tip: To quickly UNMUTE (to ask a question during the practice, for example), simply hold down the spacebar on your keyboard while speaking!
- Decide whether to turn your camera on or off.
It is up to you whether or not you remain visible to your instructor and fellow participants during a virtual class! We invite you to do what feels most comfortable to you. You can always opt out of being seen by clicking the camera icon.
****PLEASE NOTE**** Some classes may be recorded by the instructor. By participating in a virtual class through Zoom, you consent to being included in any audio or video recordings made by us and grant permission for these to be stored and maintained by us.
- Choose your screen view.
Within Zoom, you have the option to change what you see on your screen. You can choose between “Gallery” view (where all participants with camera enabled are visible in smaller, individual windows) and “Speaker” view (where only the screen of the person currently speaking is visible in the large window). We recommend using “Gallery” view at the beginning & end of our time together so you can recognize & say hi to friends, whereas “Speaker” view is usually best during the actual class practice.
Click on the microphone icon at the bottom of your Zoom window.
When the icon is grey, you are UNMUTED; when the icon is red with a slash through it, your microphone is on MUTE.
Tip: To quickly UNMUTE (to ask a question during the practice, for example), simply hold down the spacebar on your keyboard while speaking!
Yoga can be practiced any time, anywhere, and without the need for fancy equipment or elaborate set-up! That being said, as our bodies adjust to new and perhaps more challenging shapes, having a few additional items on-hand can certainly help to make postures more accessible for your body type and level of flexibility on a given day!
The following items are completely optional––if you choose to use any, we recommend gathering the items before class begins and keeping them within reach during our practice in case you need them:
Yoga or Exercise Mat. Mats are handy primarily because they provide extra traction for your hands and feet, as well as an amount of padding for the joints when spending more time on the floor. If you don’t have access to a mat, no problem! You can always practice with bare feet on the floor––this is safer and often easier than trying to practice on a towel or blanket, which may move around too much beneath you.
Firm Support, such as yoga block(s), bolster(s), or chair. Props like these can be used to steady yourself in a balancing posture, but are also helpful to “lengthen your arms" or to "bring the ground up to your hands" when necessary in a pose. If you don't have a yoga block handy, try a thick book, stool, or even a laundry hamper!
- Soft Support, such as a bolster, pillow, or cushion. This can also be used to "lengthen your arms," but should have some give to it, so that you can comfortably lie on top of it or slide it under your back. No expensive "yoga bolster" necessary––we find a thick couch cushion to be an exceptional option!
A Blanket or large Towel. This can be used to cover yourself during our final resting pose (Savasana); you can also spread it over your mat during kneeling postures to provide extra padding for your knees, or roll it up to set under your hips or knees in place of a bolster or cushion.
A Strap, long Belt, or durable Fabric. This can be used in both upper and lower body postures to lengthen your reach. You can use anything that will withstand the force of being pulled on both ends without ripping.
Water or Herbal Tea. Hydration is important! During our in-person classes, we like to close each practice by serving herbal tea to our students. This is one small way where we can live out the servant leadership that Jesus modeled, while also opening a space for building community through connecting. While it may not be possible to pour you a cup at the end of our virtual time together, feel free to keep a water bottle, mug, or thermos nearby, and we can continue to sit and sip and enjoy this ritual together!
After registering, please return to this Ball Square Yoga - Virtual Practice page again and click on the Guided Meditation class - step #2 link/button ("Pay for a Guided Meditation class") for the day that you've chosen (Tuesdays or Thursdays).
We believe that yoga is for EVERYBODY—and that includes all walks of life, regardless of socioeconomic status. Our Tuesday Evening Holy Yoga class is 100% donation-based, so that anyone interested can attend!
At this time, while our classes are virtual and we aren't paying rent for studio space, our overheads are very low. We are grateful that we've been able to continue serving our community throughout this pandemic, but recognize that many other small businesses have not been so fortunate. If you'd like to contribute to a virtual Tuesday Evening Holy Yoga class, we invite you to use the amount you'd like to give and instead support a small business in your neighborhood or community. Whether by purchasing a gift card, using their services, or making an outright donation, your contribution can help these businesses stay afloat during this challenging time. We're all in this together!
After registering, please return to this Ball Square Yoga - Virtual Practice page again and click on the Five Elements of Nature Yoga class - step #2 link/button ("Pay for a Five Elements of Nature Yoga class").
After registering, please return to this Ball Square Yoga - Virtual Practice page again and click on the Hatha Yoga class - step #2 link/button ("Pay for a Hatha Yoga class").

Get in Touch
We invite you to join us in our virtual sessions and experience immediate benefits! For more information on how you can register, feel free to send us a message.